My favorite SpongeBob quotes –
Squidward: If I had a dollar for every brain you don’t have I’d have one
Spongebob: "Nobody wants a friend as ugly as me!"
Patrick: "Sure they do! It makes them feel better about themselves!"
Spongebob: Patrick, what am I?
Patrick: Stupid?
Spongebob: No, I’m Texas.
Patrick: What’s the difference?
Spongebob: Hey everybody it’s Lief Ericson Day! Hinga dinga dergin.
Sandy: Hello little critter, what’s your name?
Mom: Don’t stand too close to a squirrel, Billy, you’ll catch its stupid.
Sandy: Nothing you say is gonna stop me from going after that worm.
SpongeBob: What if I say, "Blardenfadiddlenarken!"
Sandy: Well, that’ll slow me down, but it won’t stop me!